Our Services

Fish farming 


 In our aquaculture facilities, we rear a variety of freshwater fish species using environmentally responsible methods. Through careful monitoring of water quality, nutrition, and stocking densities, we strive to create optimal conditions for fish growth and health. Our fish farming practices prioritize. animal welfare, minimizing stress and disease risk while maximizing productivity. We offer a range of products including whole fish, fillets, and value-added seafood products to meet the diverse preferences of consumers. Notes:

 • Species selection and breeding 

We determine what to breed by partnering with local restaurants, markets, or specialty stores catering to high-quality fish products. 

Pond or tank management

Proper pond management is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and fostering sustainable ecosystems. At Cycris, this starts with proper pond construction. Key considerations include location, depth, drainage, and soil type and ensuring a balance between shallow and deep areas to cater to different wildlife and submerged plants.

 Maintaining good water quality is crucial for a healthy pond. We regularly test water parameters (such as pH, dissolved oxygen, and ammonia levels) and address any issues promptly. Proper aeration and circulation help prevent oxygen depletion and promote overall pond health. 

Stocking and Harvesting Strategies: 

We stock your pond with appropriate fish species based on our goals for market supply. Fish populations are monitored and stocking density adjusted as needed. 

Weed and Algae Control:

 We have contingencies to control excessive weed and algae growth to prevent water quality degradation, such as physical removal methods (such as raking or netting). We consider introducing herbivorous fish (like grass carp) to manage aquatic plants. 

Monitoring and Managing Fish Populations: 

We regularly assess fish health, growth rates, and population dynamics while implementing selective harvesting to maintain a diverse fish community. Maintaining Fertility and Nutrient Balance: We fertilize ponds appropriately to support plankton growth (a food source for fish). And limit excessive nutrient runoff from nearby agricultural activities through strategic locations

 • Feed formulation and optimization 

Before formulating fish food, we assess the nutritional needs of the target species considering factors like growth stage, species-specific requirements, and environmental conditions. High-quality ingredients are essential for optimal fish health. We select ingredients with good nutrient profiles and minimal contaminants. Our common ingredients include fish meal, soybean meal, corn gluten meal, wheat meal, and others. We also plan to diversify protein sources to reduce reliance on fish meal (which can be expensive and environmentally impactful), by exploring plant-based proteins, insect meal, and microbial proteins.

We optimize feeding by proper processing (extrusion, pelleting, or crumbling) enhances feed digestibility and nutrient availability and we Ensure uniform particle size and proper cooking to improve palatability. Since Different fish species have varying nutritional requirements we Customize feeds based on species, life stage, and growth goals. 

Processing and preservation techniques. 

We majorly use Freezing as a preservation technique which inhibits bacterial growth and enzymatic activity, maintain its quality for an extended period. For local markets, smoking fish is equally necessary as it imparts flavor and helps preserve it. The smoke contains antimicrobial compounds that inhibit spoilage.